Can a relative of the borrower pay the loan without knowing the account number?
How can I pay a loan?
Can I get a loan if there is a parallel loan?
Can I get a loan if I work in a private organization that can’t issue a certificate?
Is it possible to get a loan, if only this month I got a job?
Loan for your dreams and purposes
Is it possible to withdraw part of the main deposit amount if necessary?
Can a relative of the depositor withdraw % of the deposit?
Is it possible to replenish a deposit without coming to the Bank?
At what rate is the deposit extended if opened at a rate of 12% per annum?
Guaranteed Income Thanks to high interest rates and a wide choice of terms
We care about the convenience of the population, so we have opened offices that work without breaks and weekends around the clock!
Улантуу жөнүндө кошумча билдиребиз
22.08.2023 from 23-00 to 01:00
Жеңилдетилген тарифтер боюнча насыялар
The mode of operation of the savings bank "DK" has been reduced
Аламедин-Гранд айыл өкмөтүнүн жаңы сактык кассасынын ачылышы
19-август иш эмес күн деп жарыяланды
Technical work completed
Payment cards are unavailable for service
Technical works
Working hours of the branches of the Jalal-Abad branch